
Sunday 29 July 2012

Top 10 Wrestlemania Matches

Top 10 Wrestlemania Matches:
1. Undertaker Vs Triple H (Wrestlemania 28)
2. Undertaker Vs Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania 26)
3. Bret Hart Vs Stonecold Steve Austin  (Wrestlemania 13) 
4. Ricky Steamboat Vs Randy Savage  (Wrestlemania 3)
5. Bret Hart Vs Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania 12)
6. Ric Flair Vs Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania 24)
7. Kurt Angle Vs Shawn Michaels ( (Wrestlemania 21)
8. Shawn Michaels Vs Triple H Vs Chris Benoit  (Wrestlemania 20)
9. Edge and Christian Vs The Hardy Boyz Vs The Dudley Boyz  (Wrestlemania 17)
10.Ultimate Warrior Vs Hulk Hogan  (Wrestlemania 6)


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